Exabis Library
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P558: Should we introduce early a new biological agent in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease after anti-TNF discontinuation due to severe anti-TNF-induced skin lesions? A multicenter cohort study.
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P558: The SF-36® Health Survey distinguishes disease burden on functioning and well-being between patients with active vs inactive ulcerative colitis
ECCO '17 Barcelona
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P559 Effect of vedolizumab and ustekinumab on articular manifestations in patients with inflammatory bowel disease refractory or intolerant to anti-TNF therapy: An observational prospective study
ECCO'20 Vienna
Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P559: Cannabis Improves Sleep Quality in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in a Prospective Observational Study
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P559: Efficacy of Ustekinumab in the treatment of patients with Crohn’s disease with failure to previous conventional or biologic therapy: an observational real-life study
ECCO'21 Virtual
Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P559: Real-life experience with long-term maintenance of golimumab in ulcerative colitis patients
ECCO '19 Copenhagen
Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P559: SARS-CoV-2 vaccination does not increase the risk for flares in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients
ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:05 AM
P559: Tacrolimus as a topical therapy for perianal Crohn’s disease
ECCO '18 Vienna
Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P559: Treatment goals in IBD: a perspective from patients and their partners
ECCO '17 Barcelona
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P560 Incidence of joint symptoms in patients with inflammatory bowel disease on treatment with vedolizumab
ECCO'20 Vienna
Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P560: Application of a clinical decision support tool for predicting outcomes with vedolizumab therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A KASID multicenter study
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P560: Clinical outcomes of vedolizumab maintenance treatment for Korean patients with inflammatory bowel disease who failed anti-TNF therapy: A KASID prospective multicenter cohort study
ECCO'21 Virtual
Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P560: Curcumin-QingDai combination for patients with active ulcerative colitis: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial
ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:05 AM
P560: Granulocyte–monocyte apheresis combination therapy after loss of response to anti-TNF drugs
ECCO '18 Vienna
Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P560: Multi-centric randomised study comparing interventional vs. non-interventional treatment for anal fistulas in patient with Crohn’s disease and adalimumab treatment
ECCO '19 Copenhagen
Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P560: Trough levels at induction: impact on long term response when re-initiating infliximab
ECCO '17 Barcelona
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P561 The management of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients post ileocaecal resection: a multicentre, regional audit in Northern England
ECCO'20 Vienna
Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P561: A comparison of medication adherence and persistence between intravenous biologics and oral small-molecule therapies
ECCO '18 Vienna
Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P561: Can we predict adherence to treatment in IBD patients?
ECCO '17 Barcelona
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P561: Clinical utility of therapeutic drug monitoring of adalimumab using a point of care test
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM