Exabis Library
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P584: Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of AMT-101, a gut selective oral IL-10 fusion, in the Phase 2 FILLMORE trial of patients with chronic pouchitis
ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:05 AM
P584: Mucosal Eosinophilia is an Independent Predictor of Vedolizumab Effectiveness in Ulcerative Colitis
ECCO'21 Virtual
Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P584: Rare and severe complications in children with paediatric-onset IBD; the international PIBD SETQuality Safety Registry by PIBDnet
ECCO '18 Vienna
Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P584: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Evaluating the Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in Crohn’s Disease
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P585 Evaluation and comparison of the safety profiles of different intravenous iron preparations and oral iron for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia: Preliminary results from the IBD subgroup analysis
ECCO'20 Vienna
Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P585: Duration of response to ozanimod after treatment withdrawal: results from the phase 3 True North study
ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:05 AM
P585: Efficacy of iDose dashboard forecast for individualising Infliximab therapy: an Indian experience
ECCO '19 Copenhagen
Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P585: Examining faecal incontinence and its impact on health-related quality of life in patients with Crohn’s perianal fistulas: results from a multi-country burden of illness study
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P585: IBD Reference and Biosimilar adalimumab CroSS over Study (iBaSS): a mixed methods clinical trial of patients transitioning between originator and biosimilar adalimumab. Qualitative findings from an interim analysis presenting the patient perspective.
ECCO'21 Virtual
Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P585: Impact of timing of thiopurine treatment on first intestinal resection in Crohn’s disease with poor prognostic factors: A nationwide population-based cohort study 2004–2015
ECCO '18 Vienna
Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P585: Infliximab in moderate to severe ulcerative colitis: comparison between scheduled treatment strategy and bridge strategy
ECCO '17 Barcelona
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P586 Higher infliximab and adalimumab trough levels are associated with fistula healing in patients with fistulising perianal Crohn’s disease
ECCO'20 Vienna
Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P586: A novel approach to the implementation of biosimilar infliximab CT-P13 for the treatment of IBD utilising therapeutic drug monitoring: the Edinburgh experience
ECCO '17 Barcelona
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P586: Comparative effectiveness of vedolizumab and ustekinumab as induction therapy in anti-TNF refractory Crohn’s disease: a multi-centre retrospective cohort study
ECCO '19 Copenhagen
Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P586: Drug-induced lipid changes in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a single center, prospective study
ECCO'21 Virtual
Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P586: Surgical recurrence in Crohn’s Disease: Can we prevent it?
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P586: Tofacitinib for the induction and maintenance of medically resistant ulcerative colitis
ECCO '18 Vienna
Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P586: Vedolizumab in Mild to Moderate Crohn's Disease Patients Naïve to Biological Therapy: a Multicentric Observational Study
ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:05 AM
P587 Adalimumab in pediatric Crohn’s disease: A long-term multi-centre real-world experience
ECCO'20 Vienna
Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P587: Disease severity in the INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES: Do patients and physicians agree?
Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM