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P633: Antibodies to infliximab in patients treated with either the reference biologic or the biosimilar CT-P13 show identical reactivity towards biosimilars CT-P13 and SB2 in inflammatory bowel disease
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO '17 Barcelona

Fiorino G.*1, Ruiz-Agüello M.B.2, Maguregui A.2, Nagore D.2, Radice S.1, Gilardi D.1, Correale C.1, Allocca M.1, Furfaro F.1, Alfieri M.1, Martínez A.2, Danese S.1,3

Created: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P633: Choice of first biologic in moderate to severe ulcerative colitis – a decision analysis using time-on-treatment and UK costs
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Dhar, A.(1)*;Wilson, A.(2);Reid, V.(3);Clark, T.(4);Tibbatts, C.(5);Dallongeville, A.(6);Robertson, J.(7);Eaton, J.(8);Cranmer, H.(9);Owen, G.(8);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P633: Clinical epidemiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Lbanon
Year: 2021
Source: ECCO'21 Virtual
Authors: Abou Rached, A.(1);Saba, J.(1);Yared, F.(1);saniour, J.(1);Abou Khalil, M.(1);Al Bacha, R.(1);Khalil, P.(1);Bou Jaoude, J.(1);
Created: Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P633: Concordance between endoscopy and histology scores at baseline and following induction therapy with the JAK1 inhibitor filgotinib in active Crohn’s disease: Results from FITZROY study
Year: 2018
Source: ECCO '18 Vienna

W. Reinisch1*, G. De Hertogh2, G. D'Haens3, W. Li4, A. Serone4, C. Tasset5, A. Van der Aa5, S. Vermeire6

Created: Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P633: Harmonisation of quality of care in an IBD centre impacts disease outcomes: importance of structure and process indicators
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


J. Reinglas*1, S. Restellini2, L. Gonczi3, Z. Kurti3, S. Nene1, R. Kohen1, W. Afif1, T. Bessissow1, G. Wild1, E. Seidman1, A. Bitton1, P. Lakatos1

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P634 Predictors of response and course in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with biological therapy: The Danish IBD-Biobank project
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


M. Zhao1, F. Bendtsen1, A.M. Petersen1,2, L. Larsen3, T. Jess3,4, A. Dige5, C. Hvas5, J. Seidelin6, J. Burisch1

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P634: Abstract has been withdrawn.
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22
Created: Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P634: Clinical and endoscopic remission with vedolizumab treatment in ulcerative colitis
Year: 2018
Source: ECCO '18 Vienna

A. Almutairdi, C. Ma*, P.G. Kotze, A. Al-Damarki, S. Devlin, G. Kaplan, C. Seow, K. Novak, C. Lu, J. Ferraz, M. Stewart, M. Buresi, M. Mathivanan, H. Jijon, J. Heatherington, M.-L. Martin, R. Panaccione

Created: Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P634: Long term risk of relapse after anti-TNF discontinuation based on mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel disease
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO '17 Barcelona

García Ortíz J.M., Sáenz Gallo M., Trigo Salado C., De La Cruz Ramirez M.D., Marquez Galan J.L., Herrera Justiniano J.M., Bozada García J.M., Leo Carnerero E.

Created: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P634: Real-world data on the efficacy and safety of vedolizumab therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a retrospective nation-wide cohort study in Singapore
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


A. T-M. Gan*1, W. P-W. Chan1, K. L. Ling1,2, L. J. Hartono3, D. E. Ong3, M. Gowans3, H. Lin4, W. C. Lim4, M. T-K. Tan5, J. P-L. Ong5, B. J. Schwender1, S. C. Kong1, W. C. Ong1, T. G. Lim1, S. W. Chuah6, C. J. Ooi6, H. H. Shim1

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P634: Trajectories of oral budesonide use in Crohn's disease cohort of Tuscan patients
Year: 2021
Source: ECCO'21 Virtual
Authors: Bertani, L.(1);Ferraro, S.(2);Bartolini, C.(3);Convertino, I.(2);Giometto, S.(2);Cappello, E.(2);Valdiserra, G.(2);Tillati, S.(2);Blandizzi, C.(2);Lucenteforte, E.(2);Gini, R.(3);Tuccori, M.(2,4);Costa, F.(5);
Created: Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P634: Ustekinumab and vedolizumab as first-line biological therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. A multicenter study based on the ENEIDA registry.
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Calafat Sard, M.(1,2)*;Pascual, I.(3);Nos, P.(2,4); Barrio, J.(5); Gutiérrez, A.(2,6);Martín-Arranz, M.D.(7);Ricart, E.(2,8);Gomollón, F.(2,9);Sierra Ausín, M.(10); Huguet, J.M.(11);Guardiola, J.(12);Vera, I.(13);Varela, P.(14);Iglesias, E.(15);Garcia-Planella, E.(16);de Castro , L.(17);García Sepulcre , M.F.(18); Sicilia, B.(19);Fernández-Salazar, L.(20); Calvet, X.(2,21);Muñoz, F.(22); García-López, S.(23);Bermejo, F.(24);Ramos, L.(25);Martínez Montiel, P.(26);Lorente, R.(27);Cabriada, J.L.(28);Piqueras, M.(29);Marín-Jiménez, I.(30);Esteve, M.(2,31);Mesonero, F.(32); Sesé, E.(33);P. Gisbert, J.(2,34);Márquez, L.(35);Busquets, D.(36);Pajares, R.(37);Cañete, F.(2,38);Mañosa, M.(2,38);Domènech, E.(2,38);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P635 Superior outcomes with early biologic-combination treatment in Crohn’s Disease: Data from an international inception cohort
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


M. Matheeuwsen1, K. Vermeijden1, P. Bossuyt2, L. Pouillon2, F. Baert3, N. de Boer4, M. Duijvestein4, M. Löwenberg1, C. Ponsioen1, W. Bemelman5, G. D’Haens1, K. Gecse1

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P635: Assessment of sarcopenia and nutritional status in a cohort of patients with Crohn’s disease
Year: 2021
Source: ECCO'21 Virtual
Authors: Nardone, O.M.(1);de Sire, R.(1);Ponsiglione, A.(2);Rispo, A.(1);Testa, A.(1);Villani, G.(1);Camera, L.(2);Castiglione, F.(1);
Created: Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 4:12 PM
P635: Carriage of the HLA-DQA1*05 allele is associated with a high risk of loss of response to infliximab in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


J. Guardiola*1,2, L. Rodriguez Alonso1, E. Santacana3, A. Padró4, K. Serra1, N. Padullés3, A. Ruiz-Cerulla1, P. Gilabert1, C. Arajol1, G. Ibañez-Sanz1, B. Camps1, J. Orobitg1, A. Serracarbasa1, L. de la Peña1, A. Berrozpe1, F. Rodriguez Moranta1

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P635: Enteral nutrition in the treatment of young adults with active Crohn's disease
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO '17 Barcelona

Wall C.*1, Gearry R.2, Day A.1

Created: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P635: Incidence, prevalence, disease phenotype and maximal therapeutic step in Ulcerative Colitis patients in Western Hungary – a population-based study between 2007–2018, data from the Veszprem County cohort
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22
Authors: Lakatos, L.(1);Gonczi, L.(2);Golovics, P.(3);Pandur, T.(4);David, G.(1);Erdelyi, Z.(1);Szita, I.(1);LakatosPhD, P.L.(2,5);
Created: Friday, 11 February 2022, 3:56 PM
P635: Real-world treatment persistence and associated costs with biologic therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Results of a retrospective cohort analysis of 1,149 patients treated in Germany
Year: 2018
Source: ECCO '18 Vienna

A. Groth1, T. Wilke2, A. Brandes3*, B. Ratsch3, A. Fuchs4, B. Deiters5, B. Bokemeyer6

Created: Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P635: Risankizumab - real world Israeli data in severe refractory IBD patients
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Bar-Gil Shitrit, A.(1)*;Gil, Y.(2);Israeli, E.(3);Koslowsky, B.(2);Mazuz, B.(2);Israel, I.(2);Goldenberg, R.(2);Ben-Bassat, O.(4);Weisbrud, A.(5);Ledder, O.(6);Zinger, A.(7);Ben Horin, S.(8);Goldin, E.(2);Lahat, A.(8);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P636 Changes in peripheral helper T-cell was associated with sustained response to a 12-week EEN therapy in active Crohn’s disease: A pilot study
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


K. Guo1,2, W. Gong3, T. Zheng4, W. Li1, M. Fang4, H. Xie4, G. Wang4, G. Gu4

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM