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P752: Predictors of time to relapse upon ozanimod withdrawal in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Vermeire, S.(1)*;Abraham, B.(2);Bressler, B.(3);Reinisch, W.(4);Axelrad, J.E.(5);Jain, A.(6);Memaj, A.(6);Akukwe, L.(6);Liu, W.J.(6);Osterman, M.T.(6);Canavan, J.B.(6);Sands, B.E.(7);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P753 Elevation of liver enzymes in a large cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


O. ATIA1, D. Turner1, A. Mendelovici1, A. Assa2, Y. Mozer-Glassberg2, A. Cahan3, N. Lederman4, E. Matz5, I. Dotan6, E. Shteyer1, Israeli IBD Research Nucleus (IIRN)

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P753: Comparing long-term outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease patients between switch and non-switch cohorts: no differences in infliximab persistence or safety outcomes after 54 months
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Suo, P.(1)*;Thin, L.(2);Srinivasan, A.(3);Winston, J.(4);Jeffrey, A.(5);Menon, S.(5);Ghaly, S.(6);Haifer, C.(7);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P753: Increased risk of ulcerative colitis in patients with periodontitis: a nationwide population-based study
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


J. S. Kim*1, E. A. Kang1, K. Han2, J. Kim3, J. P. Im1, J. Chun1, H. Soh1, S. Park1

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P753: Vedolizumab trough levels during induction in IBD patients: A longitudinal observational retrospective study
Year: 2018
Source: ECCO '18 Vienna

C. Liefferinckx1,2*, A. Cremer1,2, C. Minsart2, A. Gils3, L. Amininejad1, V. Tafciu2, E. Quertinmont2, J. Devière1,2, A. Van Gossum1, D. Franchimont1,2

Created: Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P754 Inflammatory bowel disease-like disease in patients with primary immunodeficiencies with chronic digestive symptoms: Diagnostic yield of colonoscopy
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


M.B. SANCHEZ, J. Cepeda, M.J. Etchevers, M.J. Sobrero, R. Gonzalez Sueyro, M.J. Arguero, J.A. De Paula, M.M. Marcolongo

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P754: Beyond Paneth cell metaplasia: Small intestinal metaplasia of the sigmoid colon in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Koehne de Gonzalez, A.(1)*;del Portillo, A.(1);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P754: Ovarian reserve in reproductive age women with Crohn’s disease
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


X. Peng*1, M. Zhi1, X. Gao1, P. Hu1

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P754: X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein genetic variants in paediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO '17 Barcelona

Crowley E.*1, Elkadri A.2, Warner N.3, Zhang S.4, Horowitz J.4, Staples J.4, Overton J.4, Dewey F.4, Gonzaga-Jauregui C.4, Griffiths A.1, Muise A.3,5

Created: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P755 Congenital chloride diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel disease: an emerging association
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


L. Norsa1, R. Berni Canani2, R. Duclaux- Loras3, E. Bequet4, J. Koeglmeier5, R.K. Russell6, H. Ulhig7, S. Koletzko8, A. Rodrigues7, J. Deflandre9, L. Dembinski10, G. Castaldo2, G. Grimaldi2, N. Shah5, P. Heinz-Erian11, A. Janecke11, S. Leskinen12, S. Wedenoja12, A. Lachaux3, K.L. Kolho12, F. Ruemmele13

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P755: Impaired antibody seroconversion after COVID-19 vaccination and negative impact of immunosuppressive treatment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Results from a multicentre, prospective study of GETECCU (VACOVEII).
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Julián, A.B.(1)*;Casas-Deza, D.(1);Vicente-Lidón, R.(1);Beltrán, B.(2);Domènech, E.(3);Gutiérrez-Casbas, A.(4,5);Mañosa, M.(3);Zabana, Y.(5,6);Caudevilla-Biota, E.(7);Corsino-Roche, P.(1,7);Sierra-Moros, E.(1);Franco-Fobe, L.E.(8);Pina-Echevarría, S.(8);García-González, E.(9);Alfambra, E.(7,10);Gargallo-Pueyo, C.(7,10);Sicilia, B.(11);Arias, L.(11);Alcala-Escriche, M.J.(12);Madero-Velázquez, L.(4);Ferreiro-Iglesias, R.(13);Palmero-Pérez, A.(14);Calafat, M.(3,5);Rubio-Iturria, S.(15);Moraleja-Yudego, I.(16);Ber-Nieto, Y.(17);García-Mateo, S.(10);P. Gisbert, J.(5,18,19);Barreiro-de Acosta, M.(13);García-López, S.(1,7);
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P755: Inflammatory bowel disease and risk of Type 2 diabetes: a nationwide Danish cohort study 1977–2014
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


T. Jess1, B. Wang Jensen1, M. Andersson2, M. Villumsen*1, K. Højgaard Allin1

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P755: NUDT15 polymorphism is associated with thiopurine-related leukopenia independently of 6-thioguanine nucleotide levels in Korean paediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO '17 Barcelona

Kang B.*1, Choi J.Y.1, Lee K.1, Lee S.-Y.2, Ahn S.H.3, Lee H.J.4, Choe Y.H.1

Created: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM
P755: Safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of vedolizumab in patients with simultaneous exposure to an anti-TNF
Year: 2018
Source: ECCO '18 Vienna

S. Ben-Horin1*, B. Ungar1, U. Kopylov1, A. Lahat1, M. Yavzori1, E. Fudim1, O. Picard1, Y. Peled2, R. Eliakim1, E. Del Tedesco3, S. Paul4, X. Roblin4

Created: Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P756 Cervical smear screening results amongst women with inflammatory bowel disease at an Irish hospital
Year: 2020

ECCO'20 Vienna


L. Pillay, R.S. Piggott, N. Ganter, G. McCormack

Created: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:12 AM
P756: Assessment of metal exposures in deciduous teeth of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Year: 2019

ECCO '19 Copenhagen


N. Nair*1, C. Austin2, M. Rocha3, C. Gouveia3, P. Curtin2, C. Eisele1, J-f. Colombel4, J. Torres3,4, I. Peter1, M. Arora2

Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 9:41 AM
P756: Comorbidities in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease: Findings from a population-based cohort
Year: 2018
Source: ECCO '18 Vienna

I. Ghersin1*, L.H. Katz2, S. Daher3, R. Shamir4, A. Assa4

Created: Thursday, 21 February 2019, 9:14 AM
P756: Cumulative adverse events of anti-TNF therapy in IBD patients at a large tertiary centre – a 13-year real-world experience
Year: 2023
Source: ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Authors: Majumder, S.(1,2,3);Love, M.(3);Davis, J.(3);Sharma, N.(4);Nabil Quraishi, M.(3);Cooney, R.(3);Ghosh, S.(5);Iacucci, M.(1,3,6);N Shivaji, U.(1,3,6)*;
Created: Friday, 14 July 2023, 11:12 AM
P756: Diagnosing rare inherited disorders using targeted next generation sequencing in patients with early-onset inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based study
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO '17 Barcelona

Broly F.*1,2,3, Fumery M.4, Vasseur F.5, Savoye G.6, Ley D.7, Sarter H.8, Dupas J.-L.9, Turck D.7, Gower-Rousseau C.10

Created: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 10:36 AM