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Reducing postoperative complications
Year: 2020
Source: ECCO'20 Vienna
Authors: Krisztina B. Gecse
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 5:40 PM
Reducing postoperative complications
Year: 2020
Source: ECCO'20 Vienna
Authors: Krisztina B. Gecse
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Refractory Pouchitis
Year: 2018
Source: Educational Audio Podcasts
Authors: Charlotte Hedin
Created: Friday, 28 February 2020, 3:48 PM by Dauren Ramankulov
Refractory Proctitis
Year: 2021
Source: Educational Audio Podcast
Authors: Konstantinos Karmiris
Created: Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 1:47 PM by Dauren Ramankulov
Last Modified: Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 1:48 PM by Dauren Ramankulov
Relationship, sexuality and family planning
Year: 2022
Source: 16th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Authors: Simona Fourie
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Last Modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 11:53 AM by ECCO Administrator
Summary content

1. To understand why relationships, intimacy and sexuality are important to those living with IBD
2. To discuss the sexual well-being concept
3. To review the current evidence on sexual well-being concerns from patient perspective
4. To review the current evidence of meeting sexual well-being and family planning care needs
5. To have an overview of optimal strategies to provide holistic care incorporating aspects of sexual well-being

Relationships between diverticulosis and IBD
Year: 2017
Source: 2nd H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Villanacci V.
Colitis of uncertain type and aetiology
Files: 1
Remission: How deep?
Year: 2022
Source: 8th ClinCom Workshop
Authors: Shaji Sebastian
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

 1.  To introduce changing targets for remission 

  2. To discuss  impact of `deep` remission in UC and CD

  3.  Describe challenges to meeting new targets 

Remote control of immune and metabolic homeostasis by the gut microbiome and its potential impact on health
Year: 2021
Source: ECCO'21 Virtual
Authors: Mathias Chamaillard
Created: Friday, 1 October 2021, 12:41 PM
Remote monitoring in IBD
Year: 2017
Source: 11th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Authors: Sugrue K.
Calprotectin, Patient reported outcomes, Quality of life (IBDQ), IBD Nurse
Files: 1
Remote monitoring of biomarkers
Year: 2022
Source: 8th ClinCom Workshop
Authors: Patrick Van Rheenen
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

In asymptomatic patients with inflammatory bowel disease, monitoring involves repeated testing aimed at early recognition of a disease flare. The ultimate goal is to restore disease remission as early as possible and to prevent disease progression. Commonly used biomarkers to assess IBD activity include C-reactive protein (CRP) and fecal calprotectin (FC).

Classically, these diagnostic tests are performed in hospital laboratories where quality-control procedures apply. Recently, FC home testing has become available, allowing patients to measure IBD activity themselves. To establish a remote monitoring service that provides reliable results for correct clinical decision-making, a number of essential quality criteria must be met. In this presentation I outline the principles to good remote monitoring and illustrate those principles with an example from practice.


Educational objectives: 

1. To discuss 10 things to know before starting a remote monitoring service
2. To understand that setting up a remote FC monitoring service requires cooperation between health professionals, laboratory and medical IT specialists.
3. To emphasise that measuring biomarkers without accepting the consequences of the result is a waste of money.

Remote monitoring of IBD patients - challenges and future perspectives (Tandem talk)
Year: 2022
Source: 8th ClinCom Workshop
Authors: Herbert Tilg; Nelly Teix
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

Educational Objectives:

1. Definition of remote monitoring

2. Patient´s view: what would I expect

3. Early relevant telemedicine IBD papers

4. Role of calprotectin (point of care testing, POCT)

5. Does POCT affect medical therapy?

6. Lipocalin 2: a new fecal stool marker in IBD?

7. Patient´s view: where do I see the future?

8. Remaining challenges

Report of the ECCO pathogenesis workshop on anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases: Definitions, frequency and pharmacological aspects
Year: 2010
Source: JCC: Volume 4, Issue 4, 2010
Authors: Matthieu Allez, Konstantinos Karmiris, Edouard Louis, Gert Van Assche, Shomron Ben-Horin, Amir Klein, Janneke Van der Woude, Filip Baert, Rami Eliakim, Konstantinos Katsanos, Jørn Brynskov, Flavio Steinwurz, Silvio Danese, Severine Vermeire, Jean-Luc Teillaud, Marc Lémann, Yehuda Chowers
Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 2:10 PM by ECCO Administrator

The first ECCO pathogenesis workshop focused on anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). The overall objective was to better understand and explore primary non response and loss of response to anti-TNF agents in IBD. The outcome of this workshop is presented into two parts. This first section addresses definitions, frequency and pharmacological aspects of anti-TNF therapy failure, including pharmacokinetics of anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies and immune and non-immune mediated clearance of anti-TNF mAbs. The second section concerns the biological roles of TNF and TNF antagonists, including mechanisms of action of anti-TNF agents, and discuss hypothesis regarding their failures and phenomenon of paradoxical inflammation, including the potential role of TNF independent inflammatory pathways.

Report of the ECCO workshop on anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases: Biological roles and effects of TNF and TNF antagonists
Year: 2010
Source: JCC: Volume 4, Issue 4, 2010
Authors: Yehuda Chowers, Andreas Sturm, Miquel Sans, Konstantinos Papadakis, Maria Gazouli, Marcus Harbord, Jörg Jahnel, Gerassimos J. Mantzaris, Johannes Meier, Christian Mottet, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, Matthieu Allez
Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 2:13 PM by ECCO Administrator

This second section of the first ECCO pathogenesis workshop on anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases addresses the biological roles of TNFα and the effects and mechanisms of action of TNFα antagonists. Mechanisms underlying their failure, including induction of TNF-independent inflammatory pathways and phenomena of paradoxical inflammation are discussed.

Understanding the biological activity of tumor-necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and its available antagonists is essential in order to delineate mechanisms for anti-TNF failures. In this section, we review and discuss the current knowledge regarding possible mechanisms leading to failures of anti-TNF antibodies in the context of their effects at the cellular level, TNF-receptor mediated activities, transmembrane TNF-mediated activities, and the effect of TNFα and anti-TNF agents on different cell types and tissues.

Research Application preparation in practice
Year: 2022
Source: 7th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Wladyslawa Czuber-Dochan; Susanne Jäghult
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

Educational objectives:
1. To understand the process of research application preparation
2. To have an overview of good research application for funding
3. To have an overview of the research funder's requirements 

4. To continue the networking in the Senior group of nurses in research
5. To find different kind of collaborations in the group

Research Award Outcomes 2018
Year: 2020
Source: 6th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Maria Louise de Jong - van der Zee
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Research Award Outcomes 2019
Year: 2020
Source: 6th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Dawn Farrell
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Research Award Outcomes 2020
Year: 2020
Source: 6th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Simona Fourie
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Research Award Outcomes 2020
Year: 2020
Source: 6th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Katarina Pihl Lesnovska
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Research Award Outcomes 2020
Year: 2022
Source: 7th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Katarina Pihl Lesnovska
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

Educational objectives: 

1. To develop a Patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) to assess disease activity in microscopic colitis (MC) fulfilling the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The European Microscopic Colitis Activity Index (E-MCAI) was developed in four steps: 1) A list of symptoms associated with active MC was created by a group of experts in the field. 2) Content validity of the symptoms was performed by experts (n=14) and patients (n=79) using the Content Validity Index. 3) Questions and response alternatives were created for each symptom, and validity of the E-MCAI was evaluated with cognitive interviews with patients (n=7) and by the experts. 4) A pilot postal survey was performed to ensure usability.

Seven of the symptoms related to active MC fulfilled the criteria for content validity and were included in the E-MCAI: stool consistency, stool frequency, stools at night, feel a need to pass more stools shortly after a bowel movement, urgent need to empty the bowel, leakage of stool, and abdominal pain. The development and validation process resulted in the current version of the E-MCAI consisting of six questions related to MC.

The E-MCAI was developed using the methods advocated by the FDA. The evaluation indicates good content validity. Further evaluation will be performed to accomplish construct validity, reliability, and responsiveness in future cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

Research Award Outcomes 2020
Year: 2022
Source: 7th N-ECCO Research Forum
Authors: Simona Fourie
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

Educational objectives: 

1. To develop a Patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) to assess disease activity in microscopic colitis (MC) fulfilling the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The European Microscopic Colitis Activity Index (E-MCAI) was developed in four steps: 1) A list of symptoms associated with active MC was created by a group of experts in the field. 2) Content validity of the symptoms was performed by experts (n=14) and patients (n=79) using the Content Validity Index. 3) Questions and response alternatives were created for each symptom, and validity of the E-MCAI was evaluated with cognitive interviews with patients (n=7) and by the experts. 4) A pilot postal survey was performed to ensure usability.

Seven of the symptoms related to active MC fulfilled the criteria for content validity and were included in the E-MCAI: stool consistency, stool frequency, stools at night, feel a need to pass more stools shortly after a bowel movement, urgent need to empty the bowel, leakage of stool, and abdominal pain. The development and validation process resulted in the current version of the E-MCAI consisting of six questions related to MC.

The E-MCAI was developed using the methods advocated by the FDA. The evaluation indicates good content validity. Further evaluation will be performed to accomplish construct validity, reliability, and responsiveness in future cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.