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Upper GI CD: What are the surgical options?
Year: 2019
Source: 8th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Paolo Kotze
Created: Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 9:01 PM
Upper GI CD: What are the surgical options?
Year: 2019
Source: 8th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Paolo Kotze
Created: Tuesday, 28 May 2019, 3:32 PM
Laparoscopic surgery, Stricturoplasty, Post operative complications
Files: 1
Upper GI pathology in IBD
Year: 2017
Source: 2nd H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Borralho P.
Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Histology, Disease activity Indeces
Files: 1
Upper GI pathology in IBD – when is it really IBD?
Year: 2020
Source: 5th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Monika Tripathi
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 5:40 PM
Upper GI pathology in IBD – when is it really IBD?
Year: 2020
Source: 5th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Monika Tripathi
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Year: 2020
Source: ECCO'20 Vienna
Authors: Filip J. Baert
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 5:40 PM
Year: 2020
Source: ECCO'20 Vienna
Authors: Filip J. Baert
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Urinary fistula
Year: 2021
Source: 10th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Authors: Gianluca Matteo Sampietro
Created: Friday, 1 October 2021, 12:41 PM
Summary content

Educational Objective: to review the incidence, the diagnosis, the optimisation of the patient, and the treatment of entero-urinary fistulas in Crohn’s disease.

Historically, abdominal fistulas had an incidence of 35% in Crohn’s Disease (CD) patients. In recent series from Referral Centres, the incidence reported has been as high as of 56% for small bowel locations, and 61% in colonic disease. Urinary fistulas, involving the bladder and the ureter, have a reported incidence of 8-20%. However, in the last decade, the prevalence in large population studies, is inferior to 2%, and it is typical of male gender (75%). In the CD – Clinical Auditing and Research Database (CD-CARD) of “Luigi Sacco” University hospital, among the 1272 patients with 2249 intestinal locations, 908 enteric fistulas were identified, 42 of which were entero-urinary. 86% were entero-vesical and 14% entero-ureteral fistulas. 69% were treated by laparoscopic, and 31% by open surgery, with a cumulative incidence of 5%. Diagnosis of entero-urinary fistulas is based on cross-sectional imaging. Gastro-intestinal Ultrasonography (GI-US), CT scan, and MRI has a sensitivity of 75-80%, that rise to 97% if GI-US is combined with CT scan or MRI. Medical therapy, based of Anti-TNFa is indicated in the presence of inflammatory pattern, with a 45% rate of fistula closure. Surgical treatment is based on the postpone-and-optimize strategy: urine culture and target antibiotic therapy, abscess drainage if present, nutritional improvement, and drug tapering. Preoperative ureteral stenting is indicated when the fistula involves the ureter or the vesical trigon or neck. Laparoscopic approach is indicated whenever technically feasible.
US as a decision-making tool in IBD
Year: 2019
Source: Skills Videos
Authors: Giovanni Maconi
Created: Friday, 28 February 2020, 4:04 PM by Dauren Ramankulov
Last Modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 12:28 PM by ECCO Administrator
Use of exclusive enteral nutrition in CD
Year: 2017
Source: ECCO e-Learning
Authors: Richard K. Russell, Simona Gatti, Rotem Sigall-Boneh, Arie Levine
Created: Friday, 28 February 2020, 10:59 AM by Dauren Ramankulov
Last Modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 12:24 PM by ECCO Administrator

This course has been developed for gastroenterologists, dietitians, surgeons, paediatricians, nurses and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). The major aims of this e-learning activity are to provide an evidence-based but also practical approach to dietary therapy for the management of Crohn's Disease (CD). This case was developed by a multidisciplinary team and places emphasis both on the use of exclusive enteral nutrition and on the provision of the best possible nutritional and patient support based on clinical practice in experienced centres.

After this case you will:

  • Know how to use exclusive enteral nutrition 
  • Understand the rationale and current evidence regarding the use of exclusive enteral nutrition
  • Understand how to use your multidisciplinary team to optimise outcomes

Use of Nutritional Therapy in IBD
Year: 2014
Source: Talking Heads
Authors: Gabor Veres, Arie Levine, Richard Russel
Created: Friday, 22 February 2019, 4:43 PM by ECCO Administrator
Last Modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 12:23 PM by ECCO Administrator
Using mucosal immune pathways to predict disease outcome
Year: 2019
Source: ECCO'19 Copenhagen
Authors: Ahmed Hegazy
Created: Tuesday, 28 May 2019, 3:32 PM
Files: 1
Using mucosal immune pathways to predict disease outcome
Year: 2019
Source: Scientific Programme
Authors: Ahmed Hegazy
Created: Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 9:01 PM
Using patient reported outcomes to improve health care quality
Year: 2020
Source: 5th EpiCom Workshop
Authors: Kirsty Gibson
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Year: 2018
Source: Educational Audio Podcast
Authors: Marc Ferrante
Created: Friday, 28 February 2020, 3:46 PM by Dauren Ramankulov
Year: 2018
Source: 16th IBD Intensive Advanced Course
Authors: Ferrante Marc
Created: Tuesday, 8 May 2018, 11:36 AM
Files: 1
Year: 2017
Source: 15th IBD Intensive Advanced Course
Authors: Ferrante M.
Last Modified: Monday, 10 May 2021, 12:01 PM by ECCO Administrator
Crohn's disease, Disease activity Indices, Ustekinumab, Colonoscopy
Files: 1
Year: 2019
Source: 17th IBD Intensive Advanced Course
Authors: Marc Ferrante
Created: Tuesday, 28 May 2019, 3:32 PM
Files: 1
Year: 2020
Source: 18th IBD Intensive Advanced Course
Authors: Séverine Vermeire
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
Year: 2019
Source: Educational Audio Podcasts
Authors: James Lindsay
Created: Friday, 28 February 2020, 4:02 PM by Dauren Ramankulov
Last Modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 11:48 AM by ECCO Administrator