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What do IBD nurses do?
Year: 2018
Source: 4th Basic ECCO: EduCational Course for Industry
Authors: Geens Patricia
Created: Tuesday, 8 May 2018, 11:36 AM
Files: 1
What does the future hold for IBD clinical trials?
Year: 2017
Source: 2nd School for Clinical Trialists
Authors: Danese S.
Last Modified: Wednesday, 15 March 2017, 4:54 PM by Vesna Babaja
Files: 1
What dose and what route of mesalazine in UC? A network meta-analysis
Year: 2021
Source: JCC Podcast
Authors: Brigida Barberio
Created: Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 2:03 PM by Dauren Ramankulov

So many 5-ASA trials, so many guidelines - but what is the best dose and route we should be prescribing? According to Dr. Brigida Barberio and colleagues, network meta-analysis supports many aspects of current international guidelines, but highlights a key role for higher doses of oral 5-ASA for induction of remission in more extensive disease.

What environmental factors are modifiable? Lessons from non-IBD conditions
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22 Virtual
Authors: Benoit Nemery de Bellevaux
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
What happens after a pouch operation?
Year: 2018
Source: 4th Basic ECCO: EduCational Course for Industry
Authors: Ding Nik
Created: Tuesday, 8 May 2018, 11:36 AM
Files: 1
What histology can tell us: Are we speaking the same language? (Tandem Talk)
Year: 2021
Source: ECCO'21 Virtual
Authors: Roger M. Feakins; Fernando Magro
Created: Friday, 1 October 2021, 12:41 PM
Summary content

1. Should the target be histology?
2. Basic histology and definitions
3 Standardization - scoring
4. Histological remission and response
5. Usefulness of histology
6. Possible solutions and improvements

What is GRADE? An introduction to the methodology
Year: 2021
Source: 2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
Authors: Stefanos Bonovas
Created: Friday, 1 October 2021, 12:41 PM
Summary content

This talk aims to help developers of clinical practice guidelines learn how to use the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach to frame health care questions, select and rate the importance of outcomes, grade the quality of evidence, create Summary of Findings Tables, and move from evidence to making recommendations.

What is IBD, and what is the difference between Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease?
Year: 2018
Source: 4th Basic ECCO: EduCational Course for Industry
Authors: Mansfield John
Created: Tuesday, 8 May 2018, 11:36 AM
Files: 1
What is IBD? Patient and physician perspective (Tandem talk)
Year: 2020
Source: 5th Basic ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Authors: Evelyn Groß, Walter Reinisch
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
What is new in the IBD treatment?
Year: 2021
Source: 15th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Authors: Britta Siegmund
Created: Friday, 1 October 2021, 12:41 PM
Summary content

Educational Objectives:
1. To understand the way of dosing and administration of ustekinumab in UC
2. To understand dosing, efficacy, side-effects of Tofacitinib 
3. To be familiar with the sc administration of Vedolizumab
4. To be familiar with the sc Administration of infliximab

What is system biology?
Year: 2019
Source: ECCO'19 Copenhagen
Authors: Dermot McGovern
Created: Tuesday, 28 May 2019, 3:32 PM
Outcome measures, Metabolomics, Epigenetics, Proteomics
Files: 1
What is system biology?
Year: 2019
Source: Scientific Programme
Authors: Dermot McGovern
Created: Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 9:01 PM
What is the best histologic index? (Tandem talk)
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22 Virtual
Authors: Alissa Jane Walsh; Luc Biedermann
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
What is the optimal timing and method for monitoring?
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22 Virtual
Authors: Edouard Louis
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

What is the optimal timing and methods for monitoring?

Educational objectives:
1. To understand the importance of disease monitoring in a treat-to-target strategy
2. To understand the difference between a treatment target and an instrument of tight disease control
3. To understand the need for a non invasive patient-friendly disease monitoring
4. To emphasize a proposal for a structured time-bound monitoring

 Disease monitoring is the corner-stone of a treat-to-target strategy. The definition of the treatment target is linked to our understanding of the disease process and the availability of markers to assess the disease process. Beside the target, we may define several steps to reach the target which are associated with specific tools and markers. Monitoring tools are not unique and must be articulated in a time-bound manner to allow an optimal disease control aiming at alleviating the symptoms and avoiding disease progression. In particular is a full endoscopic healing is currently the most widely accepted objective, intermediate steps may include symptomatic improvement and biomarkers improvement and normalization.

What is the optimal way of diagnosing and monitoring fibrosis? (Tandem talk)
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22 Virtual
Authors: Krisztina B. Gecse; Pasquale Paolantonio
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

Up to 50% of Crohn’s patients develop intestinal strictures during their disease course. In general, predominant-inflammatory strictures are likely to benefit from anti-inflammatory medical therapy, whereas predominant-fibrotic strictures often require endoscopical/surgical approach. However, rarely is a stricture merely inflammatory or fibrotic; they are typically characterised by a mixture of inflammation, muscular hypertrophy, collagen disposition and fibrosis. Cross-sectional imaging techniques allow full-thickness evaluation of the bowel wall, of which IUS is non-invasive, cost-effective and can be used in the point-of-care setting, which makes is an attractive tool for monitoring.
The aim of the talk is to review the challenges of distinguishing inflammatory and non-inflammation strictures on conventional B-mode IUS and on advanced US modalities, such as CEUS and elastography.  

To understand imaging findigs of Fibrosis on cross sectional imaging with emphasis on MR-E 
To review litterature on MR-E and fibrosis
To have an overview over new imaging tools of Fibrosis (delayed enhancement, DWI, IVIM, Magnetization trasfert, Motility study).

What is the real impact of diet on organ biology outside microbiome?
Year: 2022
Source: ECCO'22 Virtual
Authors: Timon Adolph
Created: Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 8:13 PM
Summary content

Educational Objectives:
1. To appreciate the strong impact of the diet on gut microbial community structure and function
2. To understand the role of the diet in the pathogenesis of experimental gut inflammation
3. To review a role of the diet on the development and course of human inflammatory bowel diseases

What is the role of 5-ASA and steroids?
Year: 2020
Source: 5th Basic ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Authors: Uri Kopylov
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
What is the role of 5-ASA?
Year: 2018
Source: 4th Basic ECCO: EduCational Course for Industry
Authors: Mantzaris Gerassimos
Created: Tuesday, 8 May 2018, 11:36 AM
Files: 1
What is the role of immunomodulators?
Year: 2020
Source: 5th Basic ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Authors: Javier Gisbert
Created: Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 4:58 PM
Files: 1
What is the role of immunomodulators?
Year: 2018
Source: 4th Basic ECCO: EduCational Course for Industry
Authors: Gisbert Javier
Created: Tuesday, 8 May 2018, 11:36 AM
Files: 1