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Weekly outline

  • ECCO IBD Blue Book

    Over the course of the last few years both the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) and also several national societies have developed a core syllabus / curriculum for trainees that outlines the minimum requirements for accreditation as a specialist in gastroenterology. This syllabus is complemented by a knowledge-based examination that (in some countries) is a requirement for the award of a certificate of completion of specialist training.

    The ECCO IBD Blue Book course is designed to cover the basic aspects of the etiology, diagnosis and management of IBD to equip all trainees with the appropriate knowledge outlined in the IBD section of the syllabus.

    Target Audience:

    All trainees in gastroenterology, new specialist nurses, and other health care professionals who require an introduction to IBD.


    10-15 minute video and slide-based lectures covering:
    1.    The differential diagnosis of IBD   
    2.    The assessment of IBD according to ECCO Guidelines
    3.    The management of IBD
    4.    Surgery for IBD
    5.    Emergencies in IBD
    6.    Imaging modalities in IBD

    Learning Objectives

    •    Introduction to diagnosis and classification of IBD
    •    Understand the principals of disease management and the initial drug therapies
    •    Appreciate the importance of disease and therapeutic drug monitoring
    •    Understand the role of emergency and elective surgery in the management of IBD
    •    Appreciate the presentation and management of extra intestinal manifestations of IBD

  • Current Videos